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Capture d’écran 2021-06-17 à 12.00.13.png



Paddle Aventure is also a waveski club offering a paddle school every Wednesday and Saturday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. from April to October for club members, licensed by the French Canoe-Kayak Federation (FFCK).

During the winter (from November to April), we organize sessions at the Luçon swimming pool (eskimo roll, kayak polo, aquatic ease).

Our club is affiliated with the French Federation of Canoeing-Kayak, open to all, we offer you to become members of the club, in order to be able to participate in courses, courses, events and competitions.

2021 prices:

  • Younger Canoe License (minor): 80 €

  • Canoe plus Adult license: 100 €

For all registration requests, please send an email to:


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Paddle Aventure organizes the weekend from October 29 to November 1, 2021 the French Waveski-surfing Championships in Longeville sur mer.


During these 4 days of competition, the best French, including the world champions in the discipline, will compete on the spot at Les Conches. The handi-sport category will also be represented.


Stands, garbage collection, refreshments and spectacular figures of the athletes await you for this colorful weekend!




Paddle Aventure organizes the weekend from October 29 to November 1, 2021 the French Waveski-surfing Championships in Longeville sur mer.


During these 4 days of competition, the best French, including the world champions in the discipline, will compete on the spot at Les Conches. The handi-sport category will also be represented.


Stands, garbage collection, refreshments and spectacular figures of the athletes await you for this colorful weekend!


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Paddle Aventure organizes the weekend from October 29 to November 1, 2021 the French Waveski-surfing Championships in Longeville sur mer.


During these 4 days of competition, the best French, including the world champions in the discipline, will compete on the spot at Les Conches. The handi-sport category will also be represented.


Stands, garbage collection, refreshments and spectacular figures of the athletes await you for this colorful weekend!

Vidéos des finales Championnats de France waveski surfing 2021

Vidéos du jour 2 des Championnats de France de waveski surfing 2021

Vidéos du jour 3 des Championnats de France de waveski surfing 2021

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